Type MZG RDF two-shell motor grab
Ideal for use in refuse-derived fuel (RDF) incineration plants for the handling of materials such as wood chips, shredded plastic or tires, paper and cardboard scraps, pellets and/or fluff. Mainly used in cement, paper and industrial plants (high heat-value areas).
Technical design
- Optimisation of crane load capacity thanks to its lightweight design which can hold maximum loads
- Both motor grab systems (MZG and MMGM) can be made fully automatic by attaching sensors
- MZG is ideal for use in tight spaces
- Lightweight design for high load capacity
- Size, measurements and grab suspension can be customised according to your needs
- Further advantages: see type MZG port and type MMGM (under “products/motor grab systems)
Grab drive
- Vertical electrohydraulic drive unit with high-pressure pump
- Turn control or valve control
Grab connection bearing
KRÖGER low-maintenance or maintenance-free bearing system
Product sheet
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