Water management
We plan, produce, and assemble mechanical and electrical equipment for water management plants.
Local authorities manage wastewater treatment plants and rainwater overflow basins in Europe. Significant investments will be made in sewage disposal in the coming years, especially in order to ensure compliance with the EU’s Water Framework Directive. As wastewater treatment plants continue to multiply their output, discharges from combined sewer systems, for example from rainwater overflow basins, are becoming an increasingly significant problem.
Korzonek Klärwerkstechnik, METZEN’s sewage treatment branch, has been a competent and trusted sewage engineering partner to local authorities, wastewater companies and industrials for over 30 years.
Korzonek designs and produces special spare parts as required for all scraper machines and rehabilitates sewage treatment plants to ensure they are operational for a long time.
METZEN uses cutting-edge technology to help you improve your processes and optimise your operations in order to respond to this crucial challenge.

Harry Schmitz
Senior Engineer Environmental Technology